3 E-Commerce Trends to Expect in 2021: Your Questions We Answer

As the lockdowns caused by the pandemic have spiked the growth of e-commerce, turning online shopping into a new norm for most consumers in 2020, what are brands and retailers likely to see in 2021?
We have consolidated 3 key trends to expect for you, and provided some tips below on how you could act on them promptly, so you are set to grow your business faster and stronger than ever this year and beyond.
E-commerce are growing beyond the traditional forms and categories.
Groceries, fashion and consumer electronics are no longer the only things people are hoping to purchase online, even luxury products, large furniture and appliances items have joined the list. Consumers, or even businesses, have turned to online buying to get everything they need.
Regardless what type of business you are in – a manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer, and no matter what category you are selling, now is the time to adopt digital transformation.
Simply begin with creating an online catalogue which showcases all your products, with an email or phone number for enquiries. You can then develop automation in receiving purchase requests and securing payment. At a later stage, you may even improve user experience like recommendation by algorithm and immediate customer services with chatbot.
Omnichannel businesses will become the norm.
Some might think that these new buying habits might diminish when people are able to return to their regular routines, but truth is, e-commerce is no longer just another alternative, it is becoming one of the dominant options alongside other physical sales channels because of its convenience and potential.
Therefore, omnichannel businesses will become the new normal. That includes self-developed e-commerce store and marketplaces, as well as different brick-and-mortar retailers. The key is to provide as many touchpoints as possible, so your brands and products are more accessible and discoverable to consumers.
Of course, you would have to first understand what channels your targeted customers usually visit to hit the bull’s eye. However, there is one other very important issue, some might miss out, on top of strategically launching your products. A good inventory management and forecast can ensure your stock levels at each channel to minimize any additional shipping cost incurred due to some excessive transfers among channels and/ or from manufacturers.
Seamless order fulfillment emerges as a competitive differentiator.
When consumers can get similar products everywhere online, they are going to ask for more. While personalising the products for your customers is one way to go, offering fast and free shipping is probably a better and easier way.
Today, consumers gravitate to brands which provides the best fulfillment and last-mile delivery services. Not only do they want their orders to be fulfilled accurately and immediately, but they are also expecting the shipment to be free and transparent, and best if their purchases can seamlessly arrive the next day if not on the same day.
This is not mission impossible, you can easily accommodate the consumers’ wish with automation. Integrate your e-commerce platforms with your warehousing management and last-mile delivery booking systems, so simultaneously the order can be fulfilled as soon as the payment is made.
Noatum eSolutions is an expert in offering e-commerce solutions for clients across the globe – from business setup, freight and warehousing, to inventory management, order fulfillment and last-mile delivery. Speak with one of us today to find out more!