What are the 2023 e-commerce trends that online retailers can expect?

After the worldwide pandemic and shoppers returning to brick and mortar, their e-commerce habits are set. Experts (statista.com) predict worldwide retail e-commerce sales will soar from about 5 trillion US dollars to just over 8 trillion dollars by 2026. Even though at first sight this means a potential occasion for online traders, it also involves additional challenges for these platforms.
The importance of subscriptions in an uprising market
75% of a brand’s customers do not purchase again from the same online shop (Forbes, 2021). Since inflation and a fiercely competitive market will make consumers diligent researchers, subscriptions will be the key point to gaining consumers’ loyalty. As the study by Kearney revealed, more than a third of weekly buyers have already signed up for a subscription, while 12% were ready to give it a go.
Green consumerism, more than a trend
The emergence of Millennials as a robust buyer group along with global environmental concerns is highly influencing consumers’ purchases. For example, since 2016, searches for sustainable goods have grown by more than 70% around the world (The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021). So, if your eCommerce wants to thrive, you will have to adopt more sustainable practices, even the simplest improvement can influence how your target audience perceives your brand.
Multichannel Selling Will Be the Way Forward
Did you know that 51% of units sold on Amazon came from third-party sellers? (BigCommerce, 2021) Using social media or other marketplaces more than just a store’s site is the ultimate trend for most online consumers. With great market exposure comes the opportunity to boost revenues, but for that, there’s a need to integrate inventory and manage a multichannel eCommerce, an uphill struggle for those who want to take a leap.
This just being a prelude to all the eCommerce trends emerging and changing day by day, the online venture must personalize experiences according to these updates. It’s in that stage where Noatum eSolutions plays an important role, tailoring eCommerce logistics solutions according to our client’s target and needs. Contact our logistics experts now: info@noatumesolutions.com